StringToDate parses the string from the Date field and creates an internal numeric representation. LongDateToSeconds converts that to a long date-time value. LongDateString converts the final value to a formatted string.
StringToNum converts the Quantity field string to an integer. StringToExtended converts the Unit Value field string to an 80-bit value. Arithmetic is performed. ExtendedToString converts the resulting 80-bit value to a formatted string for display.
When the Enter Record button is clicked, GetDialogItemText gets the text from the Unit Value field, and Text Utilities functions and International Resources are used to convert this string to an 80-bit value and the 80-bit value to a formatted string.
When the Enter Record button is clicked (or the Return key is pressed), GetDialogItemText is used to get the text in the Quantity field into a Pascal string, which is then drawn here. StringToNum would be used to convert such strings to integer values.
When the Enter Record button is clicked (or the Return key is pressed), GetDialogItemText is used to get the text in the Item Title field into a Pascal string, which is then drawn here. StringToNum would be used to convert such strings to integer values.
GetDateTime copies the current “raw” seconds value into a local variable. TimeString, with true passed in the wantsSecs parameter, converts the raw seconds to a formatted time string. DrawString draws the string.
GetDateTime copies the current “raw” seconds value into a local variable. DateString, with longDate passed in the format parameter, converts the raw seconds to a long-date formatted string. DrawString draws the string.